
Daniel is 33 years old. He left Iran thirteen years ago and has been on the move ever since. He arrived in Bosnia two and a half years ago.
Wajedullah is 23 years old. Two and a half years ago he left Kabul, Afghanistan on foot and walked through Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia before arriving in Bosnia. He would like to complete his studies and finish medical college.
Placide is 30 years old. A year ago he left his hometown in Cameroon where he worked as a customer service adviser. He would like to pursue a career as a fashion designer.
Suzan is 26 years old. She left Iraq three years ago, traveling through Turkey, Greece, Albania and Serbia before arriving in Bosnia. Her plan is to complete her studies and become a nurse and a lab technician.
Ramin is 27 years old. He left Afghanistan three years ago with his wife and their five-year-old daughter. He traveled from Afghanistan to Iran, from Iran to Turkey, from Turkey to Macedonia and Serbia before arriving to Bosnia. In Afghanistan he worked as a liaison officer but his goal is to become a translator.
Twenty-seven-year-old Shafi left his home in Afghanistan five years ago and has been on the road ever since. He wants to find his place in the world and be useful to society.
Sabih Sulehri is a 30-year-old from Pakistan. Sabih left his home four years ago and has been on the road ever since. He is trying to reach Italy to start a new life.
Amir Lukkas is a 27-year-old Algerian. Amir left his home two years ago and has been on the road ever since trying to find a better life for himself.
Twenty-two-year-old Zain Cheema left his home in Pakistan three years ago and has been on the road ever since. His plan is to open a restaurant in Spain.
Marley left his native Morocco years ago and has been on the move ever since.