Ethnic kitchen in Blažuj temporary reception centre.

Even though people on the move at the temporary reception center in Blazuj, Sarajevo are provided with three meals a day by IOM, some people prefer to cook their own meals. At this open cooking area–one of two–migrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan cook their own food and gather firewood from the nearby forest to fuel the cooking fires.


Twenty-seven-year-old Shafi left his home in Afghanistan five years ago and has been on the road ever since. He wants to find his place in the world and be useful to society.
Sabih Sulehri is a 30-year-old from Pakistan. Sabih left his home four years ago and has been on the road ever since. He is trying to reach Italy to start a new life.
Twenty-two-year-old Zain Cheema left his home in Pakistan three years ago and has been on the road ever since. His plan is to open a restaurant in Spain.